London Tube Map-paper cutout

So, this is the very first (except the title page obviously) cutout that I created in my book of cutouts. It’s a London tube map and actually  there is no special reason why I decided it to be my first cutout ..I just though it looked cool! I was going to wait a bit before posting it but I was too impatient so here it is and  I hope you like it!:)                                                                                                                                  Oh, and if anyone was wondering, it’s an A5 sketchbok.

The book of cutouts

The book of cutouts

A while ago I decided to create my own book of cutouts, simply because I really love cutting things out of paper and I though it would be a good idea to have all my cutouts in one place. I also hope that making lots of cutouts for this book will help me to improve the quality of my works and just thinking about it make me feel excited! I already have some ideas for the first few cutouts but they are secret for now and until I will actually make them. I will be posting about them here so look forward to it!:)

Also, if you also like cutouts or just working with paper in general here is a list of artists you might find inspiring just like I did!