
Photography project that we started last weeks was one of my favourite projects so far. We were creating a series of our own photograms which are photographic images created by placing objects directly onto the surface of a light-sensitive material for example photographic paper  and then exposing it to light…which means we were creating photographic images without using a camera. because we were using light-sensitive paper we also  had to work in the dark room what made everything even more exciting. Below I included a selection of photograms I created during this (unfortunately only) 2 days project. Enjoy!:)

First week session:

Second week session:


Some time ago I posted about the two day painting project that I was doing at college and promised to post the picture of the blue and yellow paiting that I was working on at the moment, once it’s finished. I finally finished it and so, here it is!

I also took one a black and white picture of the painting to compare it with the  photocopy I was working from. I wanted to see if my choice of where to use yellow and where blue was rigth or not and I think I did a pretty good job!

Lastly..Massive Thank you to my cat for stealing all my brushes so I can take a stretch break every 4 minutes.