Typographic Posters in London

Today I was going through some old folders full of photographs I took while I was still at college and I discovered quite a few things that I was actually planning to write about but never did. For example, I remember in February I went to London for my university interview at Chelsea College of Art. (It was actually my first interview and I was really stressed) But after the interview I had a lot of spare time on my hands so I thought its a great opportunity to visit some Art Galleries without being rushed by anyone. Unfortunately my portfolio was so heavy that a barely could walk (I swear it wasn’t so heavy when I was leaving home!) So, in the end the only place I went to before going back home (Noooo..sooooo many things I could have done in London if I didn’t have this massive folder with me!) was a little University Gallery right next to it. So even though I didn’t get do anything exciting that day at least I was lucky enough to see all those awesome posters! And here they are:

I was also really happy because the weather in London was surprisingly nice that day!

Soo, thats it for today. Thank you for reading, I hope you liked all those great poster (of course you did!) and are looking forward my next post…maybe.. tomorrow?


London Tube Map-paper cutout

So, this is the very first (except the title page obviously) cutout that I created in my book of cutouts. It’s a London tube map and actually  there is no special reason why I decided it to be my first cutout ..I just though it looked cool! I was going to wait a bit before posting it but I was too impatient so here it is and  I hope you like it!:)                                                                                                                                  Oh, and if anyone was wondering, it’s an A5 sketchbok.

Memory Palace – Exhibition Review

Memory Palace by Hari Kunzru
Over the summer I was asked to write an exhibition review on the exhibition of my choice. I looked up some different exhibitions in London and decided to visit V&A to see ‘Memory Palace’ and The British Museum to see ‘The Art Of Influence: Asian Propaganda’ I found both exhibitions very interesting but I though ‘Memory Palace’ was a way more exciting to write about. If you would like to read the review that I wrote then here it is!  Memory Palace-Exhibition Review Enjoy!

Back in college we were asked to design our reviews in a way that will make them look professional. Then we had to print 13 copies of our reviews so every student and can have one copy of each review. Our next task was to design a book cover for our hand-made books in which we were suppose to put all the reviews that we had.

I though this project was really exciting as at the end of it I had a self designed book where I could find 12 different opinions about different exhibitions, all written by the people I actually know.

This is the book cover and contents page that I created using InDesign. For my design I decided to use word ‘review’ 12 times as this is how many reviews I have in my book. The fact that each word ‘review’ is slightly different reflects the difference between all of the reviews that can be found in the book. I though it was an interesting way of expressing the content of the book through the visually appealing cover.

Some alternative designs that I created:

And the most exciting part! The final outcome: